Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 1 Report

Day 1 of potty training went well. Victor earned 8 stickers on his potty chart and wore 7 different pairs of underwear. We had 2 true accidents (1 was messy) and many half-accidents. And we watered our neighbor's tree.

Most importantly, Victor grasped the idea of a potty chart, was excited about counting his stickers throughout the day, and was excited about wearing underwear. At bedtime he tried to explain to Dad that he wore underwear now, not diapers.

All of the potty books we have been reading for six months have paid off. Victor compares himself to the boys in his books. He says he goes to the potty "like Joshua," for example.

In other news, Zeke sat up in a shopping cart seat for the first time today. Yay Zeke.

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