Monday, October 21, 2013

Victor Chooses an Instrument

Yesterday, Victor sang in the Primary Program. His sudden show of musicality made me excited. After church I asked him:

Me: Victor, what instrument do you think you would like to play?

Victor, immediately: There is only one.

Me, interested: What's that?

Victor, very seriously: The harmonica.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

FHE: Goals

Last night we sat down for Family Home Evening. Jeremy asked Victor what gospel topic he would like to learn about.

Victor chose setting goals. Or as he put it, "writing down what you are bad at so you can improve." After the lesson, he insisted on giving each person a Rice Krispie treat, which has a blank space on the wrapper where you can write things. We then had to write our goal on the treat so we would see it tomorrow.

Victor's goal is to do a really, really good job mowing a lawn (no sharks). Zeke's goal is to get his green band in swimming at the pool (which would grant him access to all parts of the pool).

It was a good lesson, and the boys were enthused about it. But I'm not sure where they learned about goals or why goals are so attractive to them. I would have predicted the opposite.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Mother Dear

One of Zeke's favorite songs is "My Mother Dear." He likes to sing it to me. My favorite line is, "Like happy songs of bluebirds," just because of the way he says "bluebirds."

Tonight he sang it to me while he was going to bed, and for the first time ever he sang the last line: "A person bright and lovely is my mother dear."

Until tonight, I had been his "mudder dear."