Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 15 Report

Today was better.

Official Tally:
8 stickers
4 pairs of underwear
1 pull-up
2 messy accidents
1 wet accident

Resistance to being told to use the potty continues. I discovered that the resistance occurred when he didn't really have to go. So I have spaced his potty times further apart.

Also, I show him the stickers for his chart in the morning and we talk about which ones he wants. Then I hang them up high on the refrigerator, where he can see them but can't get them (unless he gets a chair, which I can usually hear and head off).

A few minutes before I want him to sit on the potty, I tell him that before our next daily event, be it Sesame Street or lunch or going outside to play or Banzuke, the timer will go off and it will be time to go to the potty. Then I set the timer and remind him that he'll get a sticker once he goes.

When the timer goes off, I act excited. And if I've timed it right, Victor gets excited and marches in to the potty and goes. Ta-da!

If I've timed it badly, Victor flops on the floor and won't cross the bathroom threshhold. I say, "Oh, you don't have to go? Okay. March into the potty when you have to go. I know you can do it."

We'll see how it works tomorrow. Jeremy's mom is in town, so we'll have lots of extra praise and encouragement for Victor.

The pull-up was a precautionary measure while we were visiting teaching. I didn't think it was right to risk someone else's carpet. He kept it dry, though.

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