Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 4 Report

Official Tally:
11 stickers
6 pairs of underwear
2 BMs in the potty
3/4 messy accident (while he was running to the potty)
1 wet accident (but he was standing in the bathroom)
3 1/4 accidents
0 accidents at the park (but he was wearing a diaper--I am not that brave)
0 accidents at the grocery store in his underwear (Jeremy is that brave)

Day 4 was a banner day until 4 p.m. Victor came running in to show me his underwear in the morning after Jeremy had changed his night diaper. He was so excited. But then he had an accident about half and hour later while standing in the bathroom. I think he thought someone was coming to help him.

He then wore the same pair of underwear from about 7:45 a.m. to about 4 p.m. At that point, things went south. We went through three pairs of underwear between 4 and 7 p.m.

While talking to Grandma on the phone, I learned that JoAnn (Mom) was the easiest child in the world to toilet train. Grandma says she didn't even have to explain it--JoAnn just knew what to do. Good thing, too, because she only had three pairs of training pants.

Maybe Victor's pants would have stayed drier if I had not been on the phone.

We continue to improve our BM-in-the-toilet ability. Making BM in the toilet is a huge rush for Victor--he gets sooooooo excited.

The more Victor goes to the potty, the more he identifies with the boys in his potty books. It's like a little light on a little dimmer switch is growing brighter. He was the same way with his Bye Bye Crib book. It's like he derives comfort from sharing an experience with a fictional character. I remember feeling that way.

Finally, props to Jeremy for braving the grocery store with an underwear-clad Victor. Victor was perfectly dry when they got home, and he looked so grown up without a diaper under his shorts, just like a real boy.

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