Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 9 Report

Today I decided to let Victor use the potty when he felt he needed to go. Instead of helping him feel excited and independent, I think he felt less successful and more defiant.

We will return to the Mom Reminder system tomorrow, and try the independent system again later.

Official Tally:
10 stickers
8 pairs of underwear
3 messy accidents
several half accidents
1 fully independent potty-using
0 accidents at the Science Center

The Science Center was the highlight of Victor's day. We hadn't been in a couple of weeks, and he has been asking to go for some time. I thought, "What the heck. Let's go." I put an insurance diaper over his underwear, but both were bone dry when we got home. Victor was very proud of this feat.

He also thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Victor's day got better and better because he got a cheeseburger with pickle and fries for lunch.

We have been napping sans diaper for two days now, with perfect success, so far. He has been waking up dry from his nap for at least 6 months, though, so it's not much of a risk. And really, cleaning sheets is much easier than cleaning carpet.

Another banner note is that Victor woke up yesterday morning and today with a dry diaper. This morning he went to the potty without prompting before he ate his breakfast. That's saying something, because Victor really, really loves his breakfast.

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