Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Photos

Today we assembled our large family group for a photograph. Picture this: twelve adults, two photographers, and seven children--six of them crying--all in a small basement studio. We arranged ourselves in front of the backdrop and the six crying children quieted. Then the one non-crying child decided that photos were oppressive and difficult, and started crying.

What did we do? We gave him a lollipop.

I'm sure the pictures will turn out beautifully.


Alana Yeoman said...

Oh! How this family photo experience sounds all too familiar!! We have pictures with the grandkids sucking on lollipops! Although, we must be totally out of the loop with baby news! I can only count 6 grandkids in the Dale Munk family. Who is the 7th? Did someone have a baby that we have not heard about?

Cyndie said...

Well, there is an on-the-way grandchild (Peter and Candice) that wasn't crying. So at first there were five crying children, then number six started up, and number seven-on-the-way was quiet the whole time.

It sure felt like seven!