Tuesday, June 2, 2009


On Sunday morning I walked past the toaster.

"Hmmm," I thought. "That should be unplugged. But I don't want to ruin Jeremy's toast."

So I didn't unplug it.

A few minutes later the smoke detector went off because smoke was pouring out of the toaster.

I used my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on the smoke-kissed section of the cabinets, but it still smells.

Any suggestions?


Liz said...

The previous owner of Alex and Molly's kitchen table was a smoker. When they brought the table home it reeked of smoke (I didn't know tables could smell that bad). They got a few buckets and filled them with charcoal. The smell went away very quickly after that. Not sure if it works for burnt toast smell, but it does the trick for cigarette smoke.

Joan said...

If it's just a smell in the house, you can boil some vinegar--just fill a pot with water & put a bit of vinegar in & boil uncovered on low. You can even put cinnamon in it, too, if you like that smell.

Katrina said...

Active charcoal is supposed to be great for removing stink: You can get some fridge versions, or check out the filter for fish tanks at your pet store. *thumbs up* go to girl!