Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sweet Words

Victor just said to me, "Mom, I like your hair with no hair!"

And then he gave me a kiss.

What a sweetheart.


Jenny said...

He is a sweetheart! And you are always beautiful, with or without hair!

le said...

That is very sweet.

Liz said...

That made me smile.

I thought of you yesterday. I was at Target and they had TONS of big, cool earrings on sale for $5 each. Maybe I'll buy you a pair...what colors do you wear? They were very colorful.

Katrina said...

Kids don't care, they just like that the love is the exact same comfortable sweetness that they've grown up with. In those aspects, you haven't changed a bit. You are just as darling as ever.

Carrie said...

That is so precious. He loves his mom.