Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Preschool, Day 1

Today was Victor's first day of preschool. He prepared by feeding himself breakfast. Aunt Liz, sans glasses, thought he was eating a bowl of cereal, but he was not. He was eating a tupperware of chocolate frosting.

Victor wore a red plaid shirt (thanks, Shena) and some blue shorts today. He also insisted on olive green socks and his new shoes (size 12).

Our first day in the drop-off line went smoothly. Victor's teacher, Miss Angela, was waiting to escort him into the school. He hopped out of the van with his backpack and proudly declared, "I've got all my stuff!"

I'm not sure what happened during school, but I have gleaned that he played on the big playground, used his towel, ate a snack, and that two of the boys in his class had "flashlights on their shoes." Also, there was something called criss-cross applesauce. Whatever that is.

When we picked up Victor after school, he trotted proudly to the car and told us that he didn't get a snack. His other teacher, Miss Kelly, assured us he had eaten Nilla wafers.

Victor refused to eat any lunch, but happily went to the Science Center with Aunt Liz this afternoon. He then ate two big bowls of mac and cheese with peas for dinner.

All and all, a successful first day of school.


Jenny said...

I'm so glad his first day went well. Wow! Size 12 shoes. Michelle who is six just moved into size 11. Of course she is a girl (and incredibly petite and small...Ella who is 4 is in size 9 or 10 depending on the shoe).
I love that he ate chocolate frosting for breakfast. That's hilarious, and my kids would totally do that. :)

Criss cross, applesauce means to sit flat on your pockets (bum) and cross your legs in front of you. It's a quick way for teachers to remind you to sit down on the floor.

Hooray for preschool!

Cathy said...

Joe just barely graduated from a size 12! Chocolate frosting for breakfast. That's awesome!

ashley said...

criss cross applesauce... was sitting indian style in my days...

StevenKatie said...

Yes, criss cross applesauce is PC for sitting Indian style.

I love the chocolate frosting for breakfast thing!

roach said...

Cindy, I have such a hard time catching up with you in this will have to do for now I guess...:-) this is the first i have seen your blog, its great. i am not so dedicated!! thank you for sharing. If you have time you feel up for visitors, or a friend I would love to stop by, also be glad to help in any way I can

roach said...

Oh yes Roach is Rochelle :-)

Jana said...

I love the frosting for breakfast. Liz probably won favorite aunt status right there. Sounds like pre-school is a win-win for everyone.

Carrie said...

I am with you-I had never heard of criss cross applesauce.

I can't believe you have a preschooler.

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Hey Cyndie. I feel like we should bond because we are both moms in the boys club. And our boys both just started preschool. Taj was so blase about it. We'll see how he does next week. Good luck with everything!