Sunday, January 31, 2010

The President's Car

On Friday, I took the boys to McDonalds for dinner. As we sat in the drive-thru line, Victor pointed out to me "the President's car! Look! It's the President's car! It has the President's flag on it!"

He was pointing to a white Chevy Caprice with an American flag sticker on the back.

I gently explained that I didn't think it was President Obama's car, and that the American flag belongs to all of us, and any of us can put a flag sticker on our automobile. But, I said, I'm so glad you know what the flag looks like.

He was disappointed. Resigned, he noted a skull and crossbones sticker on the Caprice's door and said, "I guess it is a pirate car."


StevenKatie said...


Jenny said...

That's hilarious!!!

Unknown said...

So funny!

Liz said...

I think Victor is funnier than other small children, so it makes me wonder if he'll be funny when he grows up. He's lucky to be funny AND good looking. Most people only get one or the other.