Friday, March 5, 2010


When Victor was learning to talk, my cousin Alisa deciphered one of his first and most frequently-used words: mee-nah, said in a sing-songy way. It was the Barney clean-up song, which he must have learned somewhere besides our house.

Victor called food "mabum," and for a long time airplanes were "whoreplanes" (ha!) and umbrellas were "hairbrellas.

Zeke doesn't use the word "eat." He says "take a bite" instead. When he's hungry, he says "take a bite, Mom. Take a bite!"

Zeke had a new one for me this morning. Death Star! Death Star!

The Krispy Kreme hat on the floor clued me in. He meant "donut store."


StevenKatie said...

Thats funny!

Suzanne Lineberry said...

Get that kid a doughnut!!

Jenny said...

Cute! I love the funny/cute/silly things that kids say.