Monday, April 19, 2010


Today I had my six-month follow-up appointment. My doctor told me they were planning a 5K to raise awareness about gyn cancers, to let people know that women can get something besides breast cancer.

It was such a safe environment that I admitted to becoming increasingly put out with the profusion of pink ribbons during breast cancer awareness month. (Honestly, on FOOD packaging?)

I'm very glad people know to check for breast cancer. But we rare cancer folks have ribbons, too! They're teal, the color of gangrene.


Jason said...

The gangrene comment made me laugh! Yeah for a clean bill of health at 6 months. When is the 5k? I will run it if I can. xo Jen

elizabeth said...

I don't even think my kind of cancer has a least I don't know about it.

sisters with scissors said...

I knew you had a ribbon, but I thought it was something other than teal. I hate to ask this...are you sure about teal?

sisters with scissors said...

I just checked. You win! It is teal. I"m going to get a magnetic teal ribbon thingy for my car!