Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Fun Anniversary

Sunday was our Eighth Wedding Anniversary. Since we couldn't go out, I got meat for shish-ka-bobs and asked the boys what kind of treat I should make for Jeremy.


Then, I had a FUN FLASH. What if we made cupcakes and celebrated not our anniversary, but our birthday as a family?

So we had yummy dinner and cupcakes. We put in the birthday candles and sang Happy Birthday Swindlefun Family.

We even had a teaching moment (for super-Sabbath fun): our family began eight years ago when we were married in the temple. We observed that eight is greater than four (Victor's age) because a mom and a dad must (should, technically, but for V and Z's purposes, MUST) be married before they have kids.

We asked each person what he likes about our family. Zeke likes "Camping. In a tent."

In short, the family birthday party was way more fun than just celebrating an anniversary. And as a bonus, I used the rest of the neon red frosting from Victor's birthday cake.


gleehorse said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds fun! :)

Jenny said...

What a wonderful idea!!! :)