Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jogging, Day 8

On Saturday I discovered that pushing a stroller really slows me down. Not because it's heavy, but because I like to swing my arms while I jog. It's a nice motion. It helped me run up the hills.

Sans Zeke-in-B.O.B. I ran TWO MILES. In a row. Without stopping.

It took 34 minutes. But I was still mighty impressed with myself.


Liz said...

I am incredibly impressed. The only thing that could make me run two miles straight was if there was a chocolate pie waiting for me at the finish line and I knew it would be my last chance for chocolate pie in this lifetime and I had to beat other people to get it.

Unknown said...

Holy moly! I am so impressed! The stroller really does slow you down. But you feel so fast and strong when you can go without it! Plus it does make you stronger, you know opposition in all things...