Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Traumatic Outing

Today, Victor and Zeke went to the mall with Grandma Munk and Aunt Liz.

Victor was hungry.

Victor: Can we go to old McDonald's?

Aunt Liz: Ew, no! That will kill you!

Victor, visibly upset: Old McDonald's does NOT kill children! There are NOT dead children in Old McDonald's!

Victor, shouting, near tears: I will show YOU! I will show you there are no dead children in Old McDonald's!

Liz, to Grandma: I should not have said that.


Carrie said...

Is it bad that I am laughing at your child being traumatized?

I like how he uses the word children instead of kids.

Hope you are having a fun trip!

le said...

Ha ha, that is funny. Aunt Liz better be careful or she won't be the favorite aunt anymore. Ha Ha!