When I was a child, I thought the absolute worst swear word in the world was "shut up." "Get out of here" was a close second.
Naturally, I am trying to instill the same horror I felt of these words into Victor and Zeke.
I'm not sure it's working.
But they do like to tattle on each other. In the car yesterday, Zeke snitched, "Victor said Shut Up!"
Me: Victor, did you say that?
Victor (carefully): No. I said . . . Voltron.
Haha. That is funny.
One of our bad words growing up
was "So". Add some attitude and it sounds really bad.
"We don't say 'SHUT UP' in our family." was a mantra of my mother's. "Shut your pie hole", or "be quiet" was okay, but NEVER shut up. We weren't allowed. Of course, we weren't allowed to pull fire alarms either. Some families! ;D
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