Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ask SwindleFun

We have a question from a new mom!

Dear SwindleFun!

So, my Aunt sent me an email about life in general, and congratulated me on the birth of Owen (the name of my nephew born less than two months before Ben).

I am not offended, but I want to cause her the least amount of embarrassment. She will likely discover the mix up at some point.  Should I let it come out if/when it does? Correct it?  And if so, when?

Thanks, manners expert!
Dear New Mom,

I believe in correcting things quickly and tactfully.

I recommend that you reply to the email, first expressing interest in and responding to her news and then stating that "Ben is such a wonderful/adorable/content baby. We are thrilled to be his parents."

The trick is to act natural, as if you hadn't even noticed her error, which you can easily do in an email.

Good luck!



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