Saturday, June 16, 2012

Too Much Fun

In our house, as Saturday approaches, Zeke asks if it will be A Good Saturday or A Bad Saturday.

On A Bad Saturday, Jeremy goes to work.

On A Good Saturday, Jeremy stays home and plays with the boys all day.

Today, though, I think we might have maxed out on fun.

First, Jeremy and the boys ate breakfast together.

Then, they played Cars and Bruder trucks on the play mat Aunt Candice made them for Christmas.

Then, it was time for haircuts.

After that, they experimented with different paper airplane models from the library book we checked out on Friday.

Around 2, we ate lunch (thanks, Aunt Liz!) and discovered that Victor has exceeded the maximum allowed height (54") of the Chick-fil-A play area. (He played anyway, just gently.)

After lunch, Jeremy took the boys on a bike ride.

Then Jeremy had to run an errand. So the boys had to go to the grocery store with me, which was not very fun because we did not go to the store with free cookies.

After that, just before bedtime, Jeremy took the boys to an auto race at one of our local race tracks.

It's 10:44 p.m., and they just walked in the door. They will now attempt to sleep off all that fun.

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