Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A couple of months ago, I started experimenting with ammonia.

It's my new favorite thing.

I have always cleaned with Mr. Clean or Lemon Lysol, and they do a good job.

But ammonia is awesome, as long as you don't stick your nose over it and inhale deeply.

First, it cuts through kitchen grease like nobody's business. Washing down my cabinets, walls, appliances, etc. takes less effort and is more effective when I use ammonia.

Second, it works wonderfully in bathrooms. Although I haven't tried it on the shower tiles or grout or anything that requires a more abrasive touch.

Third, it is awesome on floors. I hear it is very good on wood floors and brilliant at removing waxy build-up, but I don't have either of those. I just have vinyl, and it cleans it up very well.

Fourth, although the smell is pungent while you are cleaning, it rapidly fades into the glorious smell of nothing. I love it when my house smells like nothing.

To use ammonia, scrub and rinse your sink. Then plug it and, while you are running in hot water, add several glugs of ammonia. I have only tried regular ammonia, but lemon scent is also available.

I hear ammonia is also great for laundry, but I haven't tried that yet. Catch the Window, do you have any info on that?


le said...

I love when my house smells like nothing too.

The Bec-ster said...

I just use vinegar. That does a great job.