Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bottomless Pit

Today Victor asked for and ate four bowls of cereal for breakfast: 1 Grape Nuts, 1 Rice Chex, and 2 Mini Wheats. He drank all of the milk out of the first three bowls and said "thank you very much" after I gave him each one.

I'm not sure where all that food goes. Straight into height, I guess. He can now reach light switches without standing on his toes or having to reach up high. He can also reach the bathroom faucet when he's standing on his stool and the yogurt without standing in the fridge. His legs are about an inch shy of being able to pedal a big wheel, and he's too tall for most tricycles. He can open the car doors and uses a booster seat with seat belt instead of a car seat.

Zeke seems to following the same trend. He has a doctor's appointment this morning, and I'm interested to see his weight and height.


Liz said...

I wish I could eat 4 bowls of cereal every morning!

StevenKatie said...

I wish I could get your feather-weight nephew to eat 4 bowls of cereal in the AM.

Glad to see you started a blog.

le said...

Wow, he must be a lot taller than Josh. Josh can not reach any of those things without climbing. But boy can he climb to anything he wants.
-your cousin