I have lost track of what day we are on.
Friday and Saturday were not terribly successful. We had some stickers, some tree watering, some messy accidents, and an increasing number of wet accidents.
We were also having lots of fun with Grandma Nancy.
After our second wet accident on Sunday morning and an tantrum on the potty, I pulled out The Idiot's Guide to Potty Training. I read two helpful sections.
First, tantrums are normal. Treat them like any other tantrum, and tell the child that after he is calm, he still has to sit on the potty. I'll try it.
Second, I read the section on constipation. The book said that messy accidents may be uncontrollable when you have this problem. Poor Victor has all the signs. I feel bad for being frustrated with his lack of pooping on the potty now that I know about his trouble.
Our action plan is to get him to drink more. Lots more. I think I'll make another sticker chart for drinking. I may even resort to juice. (We avoid juice around here--I don't want a juice fiend.) Maybe we'll have drinking times during the day.
Perhaps frustration with the messy accidents led to regression on the dryness front. I suspect that it did.
Cyndie--Yes! I found you! What cute boys you have! I really want to talk to you about Manaus, so send me an email at bradyandkristen@yahoo.com! It will be fun to hear from yoU! Kristen Winmill Southwick
I'm so glad you did! Talk to you soon.
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