Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 22 Report

Today we started fresh and tried to get back on track.

The timer is out. I observed that it merely signaled him to have an accident.

The poop button was tremendous fun, though. We'll stick with it.

I also kept a log of what he did today and when. I hope to compare it to future data and see trends.

Finally, when Victor threw fits about sitting on the potty, I told him that we had to practice standing and sitting, even if we didn't have to go. He was almost okay with standing on his stool with his underwear up while I counted to ten. It seemed to take some pressure off.

Official Tally:
10 stickers
4 pairs of underwear (1 stayed dry)
1 pull-up (got wet on a long car ride)
1 diaper (stayed dry)
1 BM in the potty
3 wet accidents
1 messy accident


Liz said...

How in the world are you going to keep this up in Montpelier?

Cyndie said...

Me? I thought you and Peter wanted to spend some time with your nephew!