Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walking Backwards

When an ostrich wishes to avoid detection, so I'm told, it buries its head in the sand.

When Victor wishes to avoid detection, he walks backwards.

For example: Victor comes into the living room with some food in his hand. I tell him to take his food into the kitchen. He returns to the kitchen.

He then edges back into the living room, taking backwards baby steps.

I tell him to return to the kitchen. He pretends not to hear me. He seems to believe that he cannot, in fact, hear me as long as his back is turned.

We go through this routine whenever Victor knows that he is doing something naughty.


le said...

Josh just smirks, and keeps his eyes on the ground. I guess he thinks as long as we don't make eye contact then he doesn't have to listen. He might be right, since I hold his head in front of my face, when he is in trouble, but I never did that until he started his lack of eye contact. The smirk stays until we force him to make eye contact.

Jenny said...

too funny cyndie! what a clever boy.