Victor's latest interest is in locks. He's been trying to work the locks on the front and back doors for about a year now, and he's almost got them. He can get the key into the deadbolt, but he hasn't mastered the turning.
We'll be needing a new way to secure the doors once he gets it.
He's more recently in love with the little doorknob push locks on the bedroom and bathroom doors. When I send him to time out, he goes into his room and locks the door. I think he has fun in there. I clearly need a new form of punishment.
He also locks the bathroom door so Zeke can't get in. (Zeke looooves to play in the toilet.) Unfortunately, if the door is locked, none of us can get in. (I'm getting better with the bent paper clip, though.)
But the funniest is when he wants to do something naughty in the kitchen when I'm in my bedroom. He comes into my room, pushes the lock on the doorknob, and shuts the door. I don't think he realizes that all he's done is lock himself out.
I'm glad his little brain is learning to make and execute plans.
That's too cute!! He is a smart little boy (like his mommy and daddy!) I love watching kids problem solve and put their plans into motion. It is so neat to try and get a window into how their little brains work.
That is a cute entry.
Cyndie, I'm so glad you have a blog. I love it! I also loved your comment on my blog. I could hear it in your voice. :)
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