Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick Quiz

Question: If a burner catches fire when the potatoes boil over, and flames are leaping out, what will happen if Victor finds the fire extinguisher?

Answer: Victor will pull the trigger and you will end up with plumes of white anti-fire stuff and funny dusty grit all over the kitchen.


Jana said...

Did that really happen? Victor really used the fire extinguisher? I laughed almost as hard as I did about the minty diapers! I adore your blog and commentary.

Cathy said...

That is impressive that he reacted that way! He has to be one of the coolest little boys ever!

Cyndie said...

Oh yes--he really used the fire extinguisher. It was one of those moments when you are proud of the child's precociousness, but sad about cleaning up the mess.

Liz said...

How does he even know what the fire extinguisher is? I'm surprised that he knew fire was even dangerous, it's so pretty!

That is pretty rad.