Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun Shake

We did three fun things today.

First, we spent part of the morning at the Children's Museum. (It's more of a giant play place than a museum, but whatever.) As it was especially crowded and as I am especially fun (i.e. helping Victor on the climbing wall and attentively watching Zeke play airplane), I managed to lose each boy.

I am happy to report that the museum's "Code Adam" child-finding procedure works very well. But using it twice in the space of an hour and a half is keenly embarrassing.

Fun Thing Two was making milkshakes after Family Home Evening instead of just eating vanilla ice cream. I generally avoid using more kitchen items than are strictly necessary, but Jeremy suggested milkshakes, and I thought, "Hey--I'm fun now. Why not?"

Why not? Because poor Zeke could not figure out how to eat his. It was too thick to suck through a straw, but thin enough to splatter his face when he blew INTO the straw. It was too complicated to eat with the too-big spoon Victor provided him (which is saying something because Zeke, if I may say so, is an excellent spoon-user). Glops of it fell onto his clothing. A puddle of it pooled under his chair. And he had the sad but universal experience of getting a face-full of cold shake when he tipped up his cup.

Fun Thing Three was a three-player Candy Land game. Jeremy was our third. Victor was able to strengthen his sportsmanship muscles when victory was once again snatched from him by Grandma Nut.

Our day was not all fun. I did not allow Victor to work on digging his hole this afternoon owing to the extraordinary mud created by yesterday's rainfall.

1 comment:

gleehorse said...

Yikes! Glad that it works well and that you were able to find them. I tried keeping up with Celeste and 2 other kids in there a few years IS a challenge! We love that place...have a membership now. Maybe this summer, we can go together. Celeste seemed to enjoy playing with Zeke and Victor. :)