Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Helper Man

Yesterday I discovered Zeke crouched under the kitchen table with the dustpan and little broom. He was picking up pieces of cereal and putting them, one by one, into the dustpan.

After he picked up all the finger-sized cereal he picked up the dustpan (by the wrong end) and little broom and carried them to the trash. It took him two tries and he had to re-collect all his cereal pieces along the way.

He finally made it to the trash can, where he very carefully swept the cereal into the trash.

It was just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen.


Jenny said...

What a great helper! :)

StevenKatie said...

Cute! I usually take the broom/dustpan away from Vea when she tries to "help." Maybe if I just let her go she may surprise me. Good for you for letting Zeke try! :)