I have done four sewing projects lately. I suppose one was not actually sewing because I used Stitch-Witchery instead of a needle and thread.
1. I re-hemmed some shorts that were a smidge too short. They are now seriously kosher.
2. I repaired a two-inch split seam in a small stuffed duckling. Zeke was delighted.
3. I replaced a button on some hand-me-down Winnie the Pooh pajamas with a button I found in a baggie stamped Casual Corner (where I last shopped in 1997).
4. I re-affixed the button on the newly kosher shorts.
Many thanks to my Grandma, who gave me some needles in college; the proprietor of Catch the Window, who showed me a nifty way to put a knot at the end of my thread back in 2001; my mother, who tried many times to teach me proper sewing; and Liz, whose 2006 wedding occasioned the purchase of the Stitch-Witchery.
No photographs or Etsy shop will be forthcoming.
Ha ha! It sounds like we have about the same level of skills when it comes to sewing. I will never have an Etsy shop. Never ever.
No Etsy shop? I am so disappointed! I am so impressed that your redid the hem on your shorts!!!!
I always wondered what I would be remembered for! ;D Made me laugh
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