Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Primary Program

Sunday was Victor's first Primary Program. He did nothing outlandish. He did pull some odd faces and shout into the microphone "I take my cars and go to Church," but he also appeared to be singing at least once.

The sweetest moment was after the program ended and he rejoined us on our pew. Zeke was hopping up and down in front of him, saying, "Victor, you did a great job! Victor, you did a GREAT job! Victor, you did a great job!" Then Victor said, "Thanks, Zeke. You are a great brother."

And then they hugged.

No, I am not making this up.


Cathy said...

Mental snapshot! How sweet! Victor seriously is one of the coolest kids.

Jenny said...

How sweet is that!

I think one of the best things about being a parent is seeing the relationship between my kids. (Not that all moments are the sweet ones...but they help make up for the not so pleasant ones.)