Friday, November 12, 2010

Kitchen Shears

Some time last year my Henkel kitchen shears disappeared from their spot on top of the fridge.

I cleared the top of the fridge and cleaned everything. No scissors.

I moved the fridge. No scissors. But I knocked a pine-scented candle off the top and its glass shattered everywhere behind the fridge. That was fun to clean up.  

I searched everywhere I could think. No scissors.

Two days ago I was doing a regular top-of-the-fridge cleaning, and there they were. Right on top. Slightly open. Very dusty.

It is 100% impossible they have been there the whole time. 100%.


Emily said...

Cyndie, Hi there. :) I loved this story, and since you know my father I thought you would enjoy his theory that he shared with me once about Angels hiding items/tools just to teach us patience. I guess angels get bored and I think it is a very viable explanation to your shears disappearing :)Did you need a lesson in Patience?

Cyndie said...

Why, yes. Yes I did.