Thursday, October 6, 2011

Victor's Thursday

I am very impressed with the progress I see in Victor's handwriting and coloring. Today he brought home an "I Like" book he had copied/written and colored. He liked to show me the pages that were graded "4."

Victor was on green on Monday, yellow on Tuesday, and green on Wednesday. When he got off the bus, I asked him how his day was.

Victor: Um, yellowish.

Me: How did you get on yellow?

Victor, pivoting: I was making a pattern for you. Green, yellow. Green, yellow. It is a beautiful pattern.

They sang songs in music class, but Victor over-rang his wrist bells. He says he does not like to sing.

The class does math centers before lunch. This was a new bit of information.

In one center, you stretch rubber bands over nails to make shapes or make fat shapes out of play-doh. In another, you play the dog bone game.

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