Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SwindleFun Answers the Blogosphere's Rhetorical Questions

Two days ago, Mad Gone Mom asked the following questions:

1. Our kids can't stay in their chairs at dinner.  What should we do about it?

2. We have been busy every Monday night for the last forever.  Should we worry that we haven't had a formal FHE in forever?

3. Are pull-ups or wet sheets preferable?

4. What do you do when your kids really aren't friends with each other?

5. How much Phineas and Ferb can one child watch? 

Being a naturally nosy and interfering person, I will now answer.

1. Find a pressure point and lean on it. In our house, earning things like dessert and Bruder trucks is extremely effective. Also, keep mealtimes as short as possible.

2. Yes. What you should do is announce that whatever evening activity you are doing is FHE. Then, when you are done, announce how much you enjoyed this evening's special FHE. Voila! You have had a formal FHE.

3. Pull-ups.

4. Nothing.

5. At least 5 hours straight without eating.


le said...

I love your last answer.
My children do not like to stay on chairs during dinner, but we use to a lot of time at Great Gma Ham's. I decided I would rather yell at my children every dinner, and have them know how to sit at gmas, then have Gma ask why children don't sit still. It worked, because they knew to be on their best behavior at gma's. That being said, I raised my voice, twice for each child to sit on their bum for dinner. It feel like a losing battle, but its one of the few I actually battle. To each their own.

Alisa said...

I love you!

Cathy said...

I can vouch for your answer to #5!

Katrina said...

If you leave the dinner table without being excused, you have to clear the whole thing by yourself. If you leave the kitchen during cleanup & you don't have your piggies on the tile after being called out and a rapid fire count to 10, then the whole kitchen is yours to clean alone. I have witnessed children in flight at the "8!9!Te..." mark. It's amazing.

I also second the pull-ups, and the music of P&F. Your kids will think you are über cool for knowing the lyrics to "Queen of Mars" "Bow-chicka-bow wow" and The Aglet song. Evil love is less impressive...