Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zeke Buys a Churro

Zeke and I went to Costco today. He earned a churro with good behavior.

While I was in the checkout line, Zeke took his dollar and went to stand in the churro line.

He made his way to the front of the line, and when it was his turn, he proudly stepped to the counter.

The churro clerk looked right over his head at the lady behind him and asked he what she wanted. She started to order. Zeke just stood there.

Mom to the rescue!

I stepped up to the churro register, pointed at Zeke, and said to the clerk, "Hi. He was next."

The clerk looked confused to see someone so short in line, but the lady behind him in line was very nice.

Zeke then ordered and paid for his churro.

He was very proud.

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