Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Great Discovery

I have discovered that if I lock shut the closet doors in the boys' room, Victor can't get into the closet.

And if Victor can't get into the closet, he can't get the air freshener and empty half the can into the carpet. (Boy, is that room smelling fresh!)

Nor can he get to the Triple Paste or A&D ointment and smear them on the wall, Dog, and himself.

Nor can he dispense lotion onto his hands and the floor.

Nor can he empty the changing table/dresser (which is in the closet) of its contents and fill Zeke's crib with diapers, socks, blankets, and sheets.

I am just so pleased with my discovery. It has saved me an hour of work tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that IS a great discovery!

Being a mom can be such a messy job!