Today I did my first ever upholstery project. The subject was my little cylindrical ottoman. Its top had pulled apart, revealing the foam. It was very ugly.
In the interest of thrift and conservation, I decided to recover the top of my ottoman. I bought some fabric and put it in my closet.
This afternoon, in a fit of motivation, I pulled off the old, torn top. Then I pulled off--carefully--the band of trim and the nailheads holding it on.
Next, I used our staplegun to staple the new fabric over the foam. After it was on, I trimmed off the excess with scissors.
Finally, I reattached the band of trim and hammered in the nailheads.
I've got to say it looks pretty good. It's a big improvement, anyway.
very impressive cyndie! My sister Rebecca has become quite good at reupholstering. Most of their furniture has been used but due to her skills, it looks nice. what a good skill to have/acquire.
post a photo of it!
pictures please??? i bet it is beautiful!
I too would like to see a photo.
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