Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Moms Do

We have a family of dogs at our house. All pretend, of course. There's Dog, Mom Dog, Dad Dog (a.k.a. Beagle Puppet), Beagle, and Wictor Dog. They are a family.

Sometimes the dog family has conversations, with each other and with me. Yesterday, Dog described to me what Mom Dog does: she helps Dog all day long, because he doesn't know how to do things yet.


Liz said...

This must have made you feel like a good mom. You're 4 year old knows just what your job is: to take care of him.

becca said...

we have some dogs too. kwento the big black dog with white spots and wento the little white dog with black spots. kwento has an alter ego "mean dog" who growls and makes menacing gestures with his claws. he's the worst.