Sunday, January 30, 2011

Liz's Next Question

We have another question from Liz.

Question: At my gym there are three TVs in the small women's workout area. When you work out in there, you can not help but semi-watch every TV since they are so close together. Do you think it's rude for someone to watch a non-neutral show on a TV? For example: a show about a whale giving birth, a gruesome surgery, a man with his hand up a horse's behind? Is it appropriate for me to dislike the women who is subjecting me to this material? I don't subject her to Jersey Shore, and I feel like she's rude by subjecting me to animal grossness. Am I being unfair? After all, no one is forcing me to workout in that room. What would you do? Hit the gym an hour later to avoid her? Barf in front of her to prove your point? Or just hate her from afar?

Answer: The first thing I would do is ask the woman--in a neutral tone of voice--if she is watching the objectionable program. She might say no! And then you can change the channel, release your seething hate, and get on with your fitness.

Unfortunately, if she is watching the program, you're out of luck because she was there first. As long as she is not violating any of the gym rules, you must ignore her TV selections or work out in a different area.

It's very kind of you to consider other people when you choose a TV program at the gym, but you (a) cannot possibly anticipate what other patrons find neutral and (b) cannot create a new etiquette rule simply by observing it yourself.

Your private feelings are your own business, but don't waste any energy on this.


Cathy said...

I love your new advice posts by the way. Can't wait to read more.

Liz said...

I loved this line:
(b) cannot create a new etiquette rule simply by observing it yourself.

Katrina said...

I would, in a very loud voice, start singing "99 bottles of Beer on the wall," and long about bottle 87, explain to the other lady - "Sorry - I sing this to distract myself from shows like this... 86 bottles of beer on the wall, 86 bottles of BEEEEERRRRR!" It'll give you a great workout walking AND trying to maintain a singing voice! ;D

People who know me will assure you that I am not bluffin.