Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We don't allow insults and are quick to ban typical insulting language, such as "you idiot," "dummy," and various words for a person's bottom preceding the word "head."

So it is amusing to hear the boys come up with new insults. (Which we then ban.)

One of their favorites is from Aladdin, courtesy of the VHS tape at my parents' house.

You may recall that the palace guards refer to Aladdin derisively as a "street rat." They say it with such venom that Victor and Zeke filed it under "truly horrible insult" in their brains.

They use it occasionally. But they also make new rat-based insults. Zeke's latest were "bottom rat" and, awesomely, "gut rat."


Liz said...

Super funny.

Katrina said...

My favorite comes from the former drill-sergent now psychiatrist, "Well why don't we go over to Mamby Pamby land and get you some self confidence you JACK WAGON! Tissue? Cry baby!"